Countryside Alliance News

Times editorial criticises LACS for "usurping the role of the state"

Written by Countryside Alliance | 7 December 2015

On Monday 7th December The Times published an editorial comment entitled "Hue and Cry - Animal welfare charities should not waste their money on hunt prosecutions". The newspaper commented: "Britain's last outstanding hunt prosecution collapsed last week in a £100,000 sink of ignominy. Country sports enthusiasts are justifiably calling for at least seven related convictions to be reviewed. They might well go further and ask why animal welfare charities were doing the work of the Crown Prosecution Service in the first place." The paper then made the broader point: "The RSPCA already appears to have dropped this expensive habit after an independent review warned that the charity was acting as a "private police force". Its allies would be sensible to follow suit. They must have better uses for their money than usurping the role of the state." Read the editorial in full (behind a subscription wall) here.