Countryside Alliance News

Tom Kitchin's Game Feast

Written by Countryside Alliance | 31 March 2015

Tom Kitchin's Game Feast

In true celebration of the game season, Michelin-starred restaurant The Kitchin, Leith, Edinburgh is putting on a special 7 course game menu. Click here to see the delicious menu which costs £85 per person and can be accompanied by a matched wine package for an additional £60 per person. It is available for both lunch and dinner every day (Tue-Sat) up until Christmas, and possibly beyond.

Chef-owner Tom Kitchin said: "In winter, you can't really get more seasonal than wild game. I pride myself on getting my hands on the first of the season and I'm constantly speaking with my suppliers to make sure I have as many different varieties of the best game available on my menus - mallard, teal, pheasant, grouse, hare, partridge, woodcock, venison.

"Cooking game is an art and although mastering all of the techniques, procedures and skills required is challenging, it is so incredibly rewarding. I can't imagine not going through the entire process myself – seeing the game through from nature to plate in every sense. Game is also an incredibly versatile ingredient and by pairing with the freshest seasonal produce you can create some outstanding flavour marriages."

We couldn't agree more, and what a fantastic way to try out a whole selection of tasty game treats. To make a reservation you'll find contact details on

Celebration of Game Menu - sample


Jellied consommé of Blackford Estate partridge served with celeriac cream and crispy bacon


Tartare of venison from Humbie served with autumn vegetables and quail's egg


Game pithivier served with roasted figs and game sauce


Roasted mallard from Blackford Estate served with spinach, endive tatin

and orange sauce


Grouse from the Borders served with game chips, Perthshire girolles, lingonberries and a bread sauce


First of the season hare from Burnside Farm cooked à la Royale and served with gnocchi, salsify and pumpkin

Elderberry & Cobnut

Delice of Perthshire elderberries, praline and dark chocolate served with elderberry sorbet and toasted cobnuts