Countryside Alliance calls for rural...
The Countryside Alliance has called for the Government to set out a funding strategy to deliver a...
about this blogRead moreAs lockdown comes to an end, a country-wide fundraising initiative called "Hack Out 2 Help Out" is being promoted by trail hunts using the hashtag #HackOut2HelpOut to help raise funds and awareness for a suicide prevention project.
The trail hunting community is encouraging their supporters and other horse riders to ride five miles and donate £5 towards the Tomorrow Project via their donation page.
Hunt supporters from across the country have been witnessing the many devastating effects of Covid-19 throughout the year so have welcomed the opportunity to support the Tomorrow Project which is committed to engage with rural and farming communities where mental health and suicide remain a real issue.
The nationwide fundraiser, which will be shared widely on social media platforms, is the brainchild of Nicola Housley, joint secretary of the Quorn Hunt who said: "This year has been particularly difficult for huge numbers of people so it is wonderful to see the trail hunting community pulling together to support those who are finding it particularly difficult and we hope that the funds we all raise can help to make a difference."
Polly Portwin, Head of Hunting at the Countryside Alliance welcomed the fundraising idea while reminding those taking part to continue to abide by local and country-wide restrictions while participating. She said: "We are delighted to support this initiative and want to encourage as many people as possible to donate after riding five miles - at their own pace and in their own time - either on their own or with friends. At this critical time we urge all those taking part to continue to be Covid-compliant by abiding by the relevant rules for the specific tier or country that they live in."
Caroline Harroe, the CEO of the Tomorrow Project explained that she set up the project in 2012 because of a high rate of rural suicides in her own community. "Prior to this there were few services responding to this critical need," she said. "Since then we have grown in size and stature but at our core remains the commitment and drive to engage with rural and farming communities for whom mental health and suicide remain a real issue.
"We know that there are many issues impacting people in rural communities: seasonal roles, financial tensions, isolated working schedules and reduced access to services are just some of the issues to wrangle with", continued Caroline. "We will continue to work rurally. If you give us space, we will pop up a rural support shed and offer help; if you support us financially, we can help more people, and if you spread the word, we can hopefully reach the ears of someone that needs us."
For those who wish to donate but don't have the use of a horse or pony, volunteers are being encouraged to run, walk or cycle the distance instead, or to simply donate via this link.
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The Countryside Alliance has called for the Government to set out a funding strategy to deliver a...
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