Winners of the Countryside Alliance trailer...
The Countryside Alliance was thrilled to secure the new HBX Ifor Williams trailer for its recent...
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The presentation of the Countryside Alliance's Grand Annual Trailer Draw 2022 prize package - which includes a brand new two-horse Ifor Williams trailer, a year's supply of Blue Chip Feed Balancer and a year's trailer insurance from Howden – took place on October 19th, in picturesque Derbyshire, near Buxton.
Congratulations to winners Chris Firth and his daughter Abigail. They are pictured here with Abigail's nine-month-old son Harry, alongside their brand new Ifor Williams HBX511 trailer with Daffyd Jones from Ifor Williams and Eleasha Sallis from the Countryside Alliance.
A joyous Mr Firth said: "We are absolutely thrilled and surprised to have won such an incredible prize and will continue to support the wonderful work of the Countryside Alliance."
Chris Firth bought his winning ticket to support the Alliance's campaigns across all country sports and is a keen fisherman himself. He gave the ticket to his daughter Abigail, telling her they wouldn't win it, but if she did, then Abi could start riding again.
Abigail has a smallholding with sheep and family chickens and is extremely excited that her dream of a small farming set-up and ponies for her two children, is now that much closer to a reality in winning the trailer.
Ifor Williams Trailers' show manager, Dafydd Jones, was delighted to meet Abigail and Chris at the handover of the gleaming new trailer and carefully went over the specification details and maintenance advice with them.
Howden Insurance have generously provided the winner with tailored trailer insurance cover for one year and specialise in creating packages around individual needs.
Internationally renowned specialist equine feed supplier, Blue Chip, most kindly included a year's supply of their trademark Blue Chip Horse Feed Balancer to the prize package too.
Following the presentation of the Ifor Williams trailer to the lucky prize winner, Eleasha Sallis from the Countryside Alliance, said: "We are delighted to have been able to offer this wonderful trailer as part of our Grand Annual Prize Draw package. In addition, Howden Insurance and Blue Chip Feeds have both been fantastic in their support, offering such generous prizes."
"There has been great engagement with our members with an equestrian interest again this year as well as with our wider membership. We are truly thrilled for Chris and his daughter Abigail and thank them for their support in our Trailer Draw."
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