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Updated Avian Influenza advice after further outbreaks

The UK's Chief Veterinary Officer has confirmed H5N8 avian flu in a small backyard flock of chickens at a farm near Thornton, Lancashire. [Update 08/05/2017 - a second backyard flock near to Thornton has also tested positive for avian flu]

As standard, a 3km Protection Zone and a 10km Surveillance Zone has been put in place around the infected premises, resulting in restrictions on movement without a licence and increased housing arrangements.

This latest outbreak has not changed the region wide Prevention Zone in being lifted on 15 May 2017, nor changes to other regions which can be read in full detail here.

The Countryside Alliance is advising that the highest standards in terms of bio-security are maintained, and extreme vigilance is upheld in case of further outbreaks.

For any further information please visit the below websites or get in touch with Countryside Alliance directly.

Detailed advice on the Prevention Zone controls and bio-security measures

Latest veterinary risk assessment for Avian Influenza in the UK and Europe

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