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Venison Steak with Celeriac and Apple Gratin and Spiced Red Cabbage

Difficulty: Hard

Serves: 4

Preparation: 20 mins

Cooking: 75 mins

Serve with a spoon of the gratin, and the spiced cabbage.


4 200g venison steaks
1 tbsp veg oil

2 celeriac
4 green apples
75g butter
500ml double cream
2 sprigs thyme
2 cloves garlic, sliced

Red Cabbage
1 head red cabbage
500ml red wine
50g butter
200g brown sugar
100ml balsamic vinegar
1 cinnamon stick
75g raisins
2 apples, peeled and grated
1 star anis


Pre heat oven to 180C

Peel and thinly slice the celeriac and apples. Boil the cream and butter together with the thyme and sliced garlic. Allow to thicken. Season well.

Using an ovenproof dish, ladle in a spoonful of reduced cream into the bottom of the dish. Place alternate layers of celeriac, seasoning, cream and apple until all the ingredients have been used. Top the last layer with small knobs of butter and cook for 1hr 15mins. Check it is cooked by piercing the gratin with a knife, it should slide in with ease.

While cooking the gratin, thinly slice the cabbage. Cook in a braising pan with a knob of butter and all the spices. Allow to wilt slightly before adding the balsamic vinegar, red wine, raisins, grated apple and sugar. Cover with greaseproof paper and cook for about 45mins, stirring occasionally.

10mins before the gratin is ready, heat up a non stick frying pan. Season the venison steaks on both sides. Add a tbsp of oil to the frying pan and lay in the steaks. Allow to cook until they start to colour then turn them over and do the same on the other side. 30secs each side should be sufficient if the pan is hot enough. Transfer onto a tray and finish in the oven for 6mins.
6 mins rare
8 mins medium
10 mins well-done

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