Countryside Alliance News

Venison Steak With Salsa

Written by Countryside Alliance | 30 March 2015

Difficulty: Hard

Serves: 4

Preparation: 15 mins

Cooking: 5 mins


4 venison steaks or 1 piece of venison fillet weighing approx 750g – 1kg
salt and freshly ground black pepper
olive oil and a knob of butter
Pappardelle Pasta

Salsa Ingredients
3 tomatoes, skinned, de seeded and chopped
4 spring onions
1 clove garlic, peeled and chopped
½ cucumber, chopped
fresh mint, finely chopped
salt and freshly ground pepper
sprig of basil


Brush the venison steaks with a little olive oil and season. Cook under a hot grill on both sides. During grilling brush with a little oil and butter.

To make the salsa mix all the ingredients together and season to taste.

Cook the pasta according to the instructions. Drain and toss in oil. Serve the venison steak with pasta and some salsa.

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