Countryside Alliance News

Way forward for hen harriers

Written by Countryside Alliance | 14 January 2016

The Hen Harrier Action Plan goes 'a long way to resolving one of the most divisive issues in upland conservation' according to the Countryside Alliance. The plan, published today by Defra, includes the following six proposals:

  • Monitor hen harrier numbers in England and the UK via satellite tagging and tracking;
  • Share best practice with land managers and gamekeepers, encouraging the provision of food for birds of prey;
  • Work closely with the Raptor Persecution Priority Delivery Group (RPPDG) to analyse intelligence on persecution and deliver more effective enforcement and deterrence measures;
  • Monitor and protect nests and winter roosts from disturbance and destruction;
  • Work with landowners to reintroduce hen harriers to suitable areas in the South of England;
  • Scope out feasibility for trialling brood management

The Countryside Alliance strongly supports Defra's aim of seeing the hen harrier establish a self-sustaining and well dispersed breeding population in upland and lowland England across a range of habitats, with viable populations both in designated Special Protected Areas and coexisting with local land use including grouse shooting. The majority of hen harriers that do currently breed in England nest on or adjacent to grouse moors.

Tim Bonner, Chief Executive of the Countryside Alliance, said: "We believe the plan will go a long way to resolving one of the most divisive issues in upland conservation and help bring together all those who care deeply about the future of the uplands. We have always been clear that for any plan to be successful it must address the causes of illegal persecution, as well as tackling persecution itself. Whilst there was never any excuse for illegal killing the proposals for brood management, which has been used successfully for the re-introduction of other species such as the red kite and sea eagle, removes real concerns about the impact of colonies of hen harriers on grouse moors.

"Meanwhile monitoring, diversionary feeding and protection measures are already taking place at known nesting sites and have been successful in seeing nest figures and the number of chicks fledged increase."

"The Minister and his department, along with the RSPB, Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, Moorland Association, National Gamekeepers' Association and National Parks UK should be congratulated for finding a route forward on this complex issue."

Follow Tim on Twitter @CA_TimB.

Further information on the six points can be found here.