
CA briefs Lords on importance of farming to the environment

Written by Countryside Alliance | Mar 20, 2017 12:00:00 AM

Please find below a briefing note ahead of the House of Lords "Debate on the Report from the European Union Committee, "Brexit: Environment and Climate Change" (Lord Teverson, Lib Dem) on Thursday 23 March.

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The importance of farming and traditional land management in creating and sustaining some of our most iconic rural landscapes must be recognised in our approach to countryside management outside the EU. The work that the EU has done to improve environmental standards, particularly in water quality, should also be continued and developed in a way that is appropriate for the UK.

The UK produces some of the best food in the world, with the highest standards of safety and animal welfare. Our new relationship with the EU, and any new trade deals with non-EU countries, must protect these standards and allow our produce to be promoted globally and compete on the basis of quality.