
The role of the racing and breeding industry in rural communities

Written by David Bean | Feb 29, 2024 3:03:17 PM

This e-petition was created by the Chief Executive of the Jockey Club, Nevin Truesdale, and has been supported by the Countryside Alliance and many other organisations. It calls on the Government to abandon plans to implement betting affordability and financial risk checks on bettors.

The annual economic impact of horseracing is estimated at £4.1 billion in direct, indirect and associated spending, much of which benefits rural areas, with over 20,000 people directly employed by racecourses.

The racing and breeding industry makes a very significant economic and cultural contribution to rural communities and the UK as a whole. It contributes hugely to the rural economy and is a social hub for many in the countryside.

The Gambling Act Review White Paper estimates a direct loss to the horserace betting levy of £5-8 million a year, with additional potential losses to the industry in advertising and sponsorship revenue owing to reductions in bookmakers’ income bringing the total anticipated annual loss to £8.4-14.9 million.

Any pending reforms to gambling legislation, including the introduction of affordability checks, must be implemented in a way that avoids having a disproportionate impact to negligible benefit.