
The sustainability of rural postal services to be debated in Westminster

Written by David Bean | Oct 24, 2023 11:54:14 AM

A well-functioning Royal Mail postal service and the Post Office network both continue to provide a lifeline for rural communities. The Countryside Alliance is keen to see the universal postal service maintained in its current form and welcomes the Government’s commitment to make no changes to the underlying obligation on the Royal Mail.

If commercial pressures make the continuation of the universal postal service unviable in the remotest communities, we would prefer to see a slight reduction in the number of delivery days per week as opposed to any change to the obligation to keep prices at uniform levels.

The Post Office network offers an important means of accessing cash, either using its own financial products or because it provides access to current and business accounts offered by other banks.

The expansion of financial and other parcel services through Post Offices could replace lost banking and financial services to rural communities and small businesses, ensuring the long-term viability of the network and that the post office remains at the centre of rural community life.

While the Post Office operates at arm’s length from government, as ultimately a publicly owned business it makes sense for the Government to offer access to its own services through Post Offices where the public stands to benefit.

We welcome the slight expansion in the Post Office network between 2021 and 2022 and are keen to see this trend continue.