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Voice of the countryside

Scottish Countryside Alliance

We are a political campaigning force that promotes and protects the rural way of life, representing the interests of our members, supporters and rural communities in parliament, in the media and on the ground. To find out more, sign up to our Heather Routes Newsletter.

Scottish Countryside

What do we do?

The work of the Scottish Countryside Alliance is underpinned by our four key pillars; all of which exemplify the main reasons why we campaign for rural communities.

Sustainable rural community
Environmental stewardship
Challenge misinformation and bias
Public benefit

Sustainable rural community

We want our members and supporters to be able to live and work in rural areas without barriers. We continue to lobby our parliament on issues such as rural transport networks, the cost-of-living crisis and fuel poverty.


Environmental stewardship

Hunting with Dogs and the Land Reform legislation are just two of the campaigns we are involved in. Our team keep abreast of all the latest rural campaigning for our members and sit on a number of political advisory committees.


Challenge misinformation and bias

Our team will always challenge misinformation and bias in the press and promote the benefits of rural living in a positive way.


Public benefit

We provide guidance and help to our members on issues affecting their rural way of life. From lobbying MSPs to professional guidance on applying for NatureScot licences.

What do we do?

The work of the Scottish Countryside Alliance is underpinned by our four key pillars; all of which exemplify the main reasons why we campaign for rural communities.

Sustainable rural community


Sustainable rural community

We want our members and supporters to be able to live and work in rural areas without barriers. We continue to lobby our parliament on issues such as rural transport networks, the cost-of-living crisis and fuel poverty.

Environmental stewardship


Environmental stewardship

Hunting with Dogs and the Land Reform legislation are just two of the campaigns we are involved in. Our team keep abreast of all the latest rural campaigning for our members and sit on a number of political advisory committees.

Challenge misinformation and bias


Challenge misinformation and bias

Our team will always challenge misinformation and bias in the press and promote the benefits of rural living in a positive way.

Public benefit


Public benefit

We provide guidance and help to our members on issues affecting their rural way of life. From lobbying MSPs to professional guidance on applying for NatureScot licences.

Scottish Countryside Alliance

Learn more about the Scottish Countryside Alliance

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is my representative in Scotland?

The Director for Scottish Countryside Alliance is Jake Swindells and our Campaigns Officer is Jill Stewart. You can contact Jake via e-mail at and Jill at

How can I support the Scottish Countryside Alliance?

The best way to support the Scottish Countryside Alliance is by becoming a member. In doing so, you will become a part of our membership community. Together we are the voice of the countryside.

How do I lobby my MSP?

It is vital that MSPs are made aware of the concerns of people in rural areas. This is best done by contacting your MSP directly and raising the issues that matter to you and your community with them.


MSPs can be contacted by letter, email, telephone or a meeting arranged in Scottish Parliament, or locally at a constituency surgery. Find your MSP and their contact details here.


Scottish Parliamentary rules mean that MSPs are only able to act on behalf of their own constituents so make sure you include your full name, address and postcode in any letter or email. As a constituent, you should expect to receive a response to your correspondence. To arrange a meeting, contact the constituency office or look on the MSP’s website. You can also telephone the MSP’s office in Holyrood by contacting the Scottish Parliament switchboard on 0131 348 5000 or 0800 092 7500 (freephone) and asking for your MSP by name.


For more information or guidance, please contact the Countryside Alliance political team at or on 0207 840 9260.

Is the Scottish Countryside Alliance part of the Countryside Alliance?

Yes, we are part of the Countryside Alliance. The Scottish Countryside Alliance has a dedicated team based in Scotland that deals with all Scottish rural campaigns.

How does the Scottish Countryside Alliance support and represent rural communities?

We are at the forefront of campaigning directly to MSPs from all political parties and represent our members rights and interests at parliamentary meetings and committee sessions. We work closely and in collaboration with partner organisations to ensure that the rights of all our members are met. We seek to work in partnership with government bodies such as NatureScot and Police Scotland, to ensure that our members are treated fairly and without bias.

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